Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Being Gifted!

The mind has its way; it always does have something to say,

May it be light or the stars twinkling bright,

It keeps working while the body is at sleep,

Sometimes it’s happy, many a times it weeps.

It weeps for it does not get what it wants

It says pleasures and ease is what an ideal situation flaunts

The mind cannot fulfill something the body does not have

Yet we find some of those Gifted ones are Happier than us

While complaining endlessly did we miss the contentment bus

While we were searching for something we did not have

They were content and thanking about the things they had

I have something to say-do listen my lad,

Practicing control over your mind by refraining yourself from what the mind has to say requires extreme conviction. Imagine just-for-a-moment if one of your limbs, an eye or any of the senses that you have used from the start of today was defunct. How would your life have been! It’s a terrible thought in itself.
It then makes me think as to how a person with any of such disability lives such a happy and passionate life. Their fight against their short coming makes them so strong, so STRONG that they do not have mundane tasks and daily routines to complain about.  Moreover, to be satisfied with whatever’s still functioning in itself a huge price to pay. I would prefer calling such people Gifted. However the reason that a gifted person is so happy is not just because his ear is devoid of the noises, it is because the water of the mind is stable enough to accept the ripples that life is full of!
Those that are devoid of some common benefits have accepted themselves, including what is there and what is not. They have accepted the fact that although its one negative, one down -there is still a lot to be positive about.A lot to be happy about.A lot we can still cherish, still enjoy.
A contrast in our views, we find it harder to first accept who and what we are, the way things are, rather we tend to run towards those that aren’t there and should be.
Everyone has its own tale to tell.Why not accept the fact, what is!!
Why not learn to appreciate? Why not face and deal with what comes,face to face,bravely!Have we become so vulnerable to the challenges that life throws at us, that we give in to it by complaining, making excuses, cooking up stories as to how differently things could have been had we got a bit of this and a bit of that.
            Life isn’t just about inhaling and exhaling.Its about taking in whats there irrespective of the air and giving what is needed by our fellows for their growth.

Life may not give everything, it never can

Yet all that we today have was something we wanted before a time of span

To those fulfilled wishes and needs, let us raise a toast

Cheers to living LIFE, while its still there- let us pledge to Live it the most!

It’s all about living mellifluously in symbiosis with whats around and what surrounds!

After all Life is to be lived, isn’t it?


  1. This is very good... It gave the feel of watching a musical... :D

    1. Now that we know how a musical sounds, we could definitely think of performing one this year ;)

  2. It is just what u are Vinay !! Life seems to be so simple reading this !! :)

    1. Yesss!I want to like your comment, blog spot doesn't have he feature :(

  3. Yes vinay, came from ur heart for sure.
    life can be much more happier than it is. And we do have more reasons to be happy .
    Thanks buddy for such enlightening phrases.

  4. A nice soothing piece...simple yet powerful! sry that i read it so late... :)
